Hello and welcome to The Full Health Project! I hope you click around a bit and find some interesting things to make your time here worthwhile. This site was created as a means to open conversations on any topic that feeds into the idea that humans deserve to be happy and content. It is really the nexus of a few ideas all born under the same set of stars; Full Health Wellness Systems, and non-profit outpatient clinic that my wife and I started a few years back; The Full Health Series, a short-form book series that covers the basics on a variety of mental health topics; and the Full Health Podcast, which is coming a ways down the road.
I wanted to make a place where I could drop some of my ideas and solicit ideas from others that can hopefully only improve the conversation of mental health and wellness. I wanted a launchpad for ideas that never wavered from the principles of dignity, worth, acceptance, diversity, and healing. The internet is a vast landscape of ideas, both good and bad. There are thousands of places we can go to learn and grow our minds and emotional well-being. It can't hurt to have one more!
The biggest hope I have is that this site is taken over by people that stand to get the most from it. I want you to share. I want you to question. I want you to feel ownership over the content and ideas that may come from this space. Mental health matters should not be confined to the vacuum or the therapy office, or a book that costs money (though sometimes things need to cost money :/ ). So this is an extension of the belief that everyone can benefit from the thoughts and experiences of everyone else. As long as, of course, we share those ideas in a way that is grounded in compassion and respect.
Like the best ideas, I expect (and hope) that this project evolves into something even better. It is a seed that can sprout to look like something far more powerful and striking than anything that I can think of, and I am truly excited to see that happen! With luck and perseverance, it will turn into a safe and comfortable space in which to learn, share, and collaborate on ideas that can genuinely make life better for ourselves and others.